ProactiveIR tm
We offer ProactiveIR tm – Investor Relations service for clients across the globe listed on most North American or EMEA exchanges. Professionals at WBI have industry expertise, market knowledge, solid book of cross-sector buy side relationships and offer innovative ways on placing your company on the investment radar. Every element of ProactiveIR tm, crucial for all micro- to mid-cap companies, helps improve corporate visibility, transparency, liquidity, and hence increase value of the company for its shareholders.
Deal or no deal on the horizon, most enterprises will greatly benefit from consistent communication with current and potential investor base and enhance their trust by conveying management’s commitment to its investors. We work with companies who have dedicated bankers and IR representatives and do not intend to compete with either.
Our value-added is in proactive management of non-deal roadshows and other communication to ensure that nothing falls “through the cracks”. For companies that do not have a dedicated IR person, we also fulfill daily duties related to this important role. Each of our team members is restricted to representing only one company at a time and appears in substance and in form as their internal investor relations.
Services within ProactiveIR tm at WBI:
- Creating and executing global ProactiveIR tm strategies and initiatives
- Ensuring consistent communication with the investment community by arranging non-deal roadshows, participation in conferences, analyst days
- Proactive follow-up with existing and potential investors on earnings calls and conferences
- Assisting in establishing thought leadership position by speaking at industry conferences and investor-related events
- Facilitating expansion of research coverage by banking and independent institutions
- Performing regular liquidity assessments, working with market makers
- Working with banking and industry research analysts, following company, industry- and competitor related earnings, news, and research
- Providing peer analysis and industry positioning assessment
- Adaptation of Company’s materials to reflect key metrics and main messages that are of utmost importance to the target group of investors
- Daily IR functions when required